Boosting Bushels: Seed Treatment Edition

Mar 27, 2020

Boosting Bushels: Seed Treatment Edition

What’s in a treatment?

Very soon farmers will in the field for the spring run. With planting right around the corner, seed treatments are being formulated so the seed can be treated before planting. While not every grower chooses to treat their seed, growers who do are setting their seed up for success to battle early-season insects and diseases and promote early season growth.

At Ag Partners Cooperative, we work closely with our growers to develop seed treatments that work best for their acres. We understand each grower has their own unique challenges, and we want to do our part to help them succeed on the farm and in the marketplace.

There are several benefits of treating seed before planting it in the ground. Below are different components to choose from that can make up a unique seed treatment:

Insecticide – The latest mode of action that takes down a wide range of insects, including nematodes, that feed on the seed, roots and young plants.

Fungicide – It is comprised of four modes of action to target a wide variety of diseases. This includes early cool wet disease as well as those that attack the plant in warm weather conditions, such as Sudden Death Syndrome in soybeans.

Inoculant – Our inoculants offer more live rhizobium bacteria than any other product on the market today. That means more nitrogen-fixing nodules on your soybeans to push higher yields. This treatment also utilizes a nutrient utilization technology to accelerate nutrient acquisition by the seedling.

Germination Enhancers – This nutritional seed treatment is designed to support seedling vigor, emergence and better tolerate the effects of abiotic stress to improve yield and quality of crops. Germination enhancers increase seedling vigor and emergence, improve shoot and root and root hair development, and better overall plant health by reducing the negative impacts of stress.

Micronutrient package – At Ag Partners we offer a micronutrient package blended with an 80/20 (talc/graphite) product to service the needs your young plants require to get off to the right start. This is coated directly on the seed to allow a true quick start to your crop.

Talc/Graphite – added to each unit to allow for better flowability in planters and air seeders.

Ag Partners continues to be your partner in production agriculture. Contact your Agronomy Account Manager today to help you develop a seed treatment that is right for your unique farm acres.

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